Don’t Make These 3 Costly Business Mistakes

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Don’t Make These 3 Costly Business Mistakes

August 9, 2018 Thursday         Uncategorized     0 Comments

after hour answering serviceRunning a business can be quite rewarding, but it can also be extremely difficult. You, as the owner, have to ensure that your company is earning money, your employees and customers are happy, the financial and legal aspects are taken care of, and you must oversee virtually every other aspect of business. Because of all these responsibilities, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and ignore or forget about other important aspects of business. Make sure that you avoid making these costly business mistakes as much as possible to ensure a successful company.

Not working with an after hour answering service

There are small business answering services available that will help ensure that your company will stay in touch with customers at any moment in time. Without a 24 hour answering service, upset customers might try and contact you to no avail. According to Forrester, telephone customer service has the highest satisfaction, compared to other digital customer service channels, at 69%. It’s difficult to have a quality customer service strategy without an answering service. Even if you have the friendliest, most helpful staff in the world, if you customers aren’t able to get valuable information after hours, they aren’t going to be happy.

Being inactive on social media

Like not being able to communicate with customers over the phone, ignoring your followers on social media channels can be just as damaging to your company’s brand. You should have an entire staff of employees who can remain active on social media as much as possible to stay in touch with customers. Always engage with both positive and negative remarks on social media in order to improve the image of your brand.

Another important part of business that not enough companies do is simply paying attention to what’s going on within a particular industry. If you are unaware of what your competitors are doing, whether it’s good or bad, you might not be setting your company up for success. Pay attention to what’s going on within your industry in order to be successful.

If you are using a quality after hour answering service, regularly engaging on social media, keeping up with what’s going on with your competitors, and talking to your employees about your company culture, your business should continue to thrive. If you want to learn more about after hour answering services, contact A Better Answer today!